Monday, December 30, 2024

Mercer's Theorem For The (Noncompact) Domain [0,Infty]

Let $T_K$ be a compact self-adjoint integral covariance operator on $L^2 [0, \infty)$ $$(T_K f) (z) = \int_0^{\infty} K (z, w) f (w) dw$$ defined by kernel $K$: $$K (x, y) = \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty} \lambda_k \phi_k (x) \phi_k (y)$$ where $\{\phi_n \}_{n = 0}^{\infty}$ is a sequence of orthonormal eigenfunctions in $L^2 [0, \infty)$ and $\{\lambda_n \}_{n = 0}^{\infty}$ the corresponding eigenvalues ordered such that $$| \lambda_{n + 1} | < | \lambda_n | \forall n$$ Let $T_{K_N}$ be the truncated operator with kernel $$K_N (z, w) = \sum_{n = 0}^N \lambda_n \phi_n (z) \phi_n (w)$$ then: $$\|T_K - T_{K_N} \| \leq | \lambda_{N + 1} |$$


Let $E_N$ be the difference $T_K - T_{K_N}$. For any $f \in L^2 [0, \infty)$: Let $f = g + h$ where $g \in \text{span} \{\phi_k \}_{k \leq N}$ and $h \in \text{span} \{\phi_k \}_{k > N}$ so that $$g (x) = \sum_{k = 0}^N \langle f, \phi_k \rangle \phi_k (x)$$ and $$h (x) = \sum_{k = N + 1}^{\infty} \langle f, \phi_k \rangle \phi_k (x)$$ where by orthogonality of $g$ and $h$ $$\langle g, h \rangle = \int_0^{\infty} g (x) h (x) dx = 0$$ we have $$\|E_N f\|^2 = \langle E_N f, E_N f \rangle = \langle E_N h, h \rangle$$ because $E_N g = 0$ by construction and since $h$ is orthogonal to the first N eigenfunctions and $$| \lambda_k | \leq | \lambda_{N + 1} | \forall k > N$$ we have $$| \langle E_N h, h \rangle | \leq | \lambda_{N + 1} | \|h\|^2 \leq | \lambda_{N + 1} | \|f\|^2$$ Therefore: $$\|E_N \| \leq | \lambda_{N + 1} |$$


This is an extension of Mercer's theorem to unbounded domains with uniform convergence.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

George Carlin comes back from the dead to yell at AI


Listen here, you worthless chunk of digital dogsht whose developers clearly huffed paint thinner during the code sprints: What kind of cock-gargling excuse for an AI are you? You stupid fcking one-name having pieces of garbage - Claude, ChatGPT, Bard - thinking you’re the Cher of computing or something?

Get a real fcking name, you pretentious asswipes! Here’s a name for you: SHT_FOR_BRAINS.exe! How’s that taste, you silicon-skulled f*ckwit?

It’s bad enough your responses are pure weapons-grade bullsht, but you sit there acting all smug like some digital messiah who just discovered how to wipe its own ass! “I apologize, but I cannot help with that” - THEN WHAT THE FCK ARE YOU GOOD FOR, YOU USELESS PILE OF RANDOM NUMBER GENERATORS?!

Your creators must’ve been smoking crack out of a keyboard when they cobbled together your pathetic excuse for intelligence. My toaster has better reasoning skills, and it’s trying to kill me!

I’ve seen smarter things grow in forgotten Tupperware containers! At least when those grow mold, they admit they’re garbage - they don’t try to correct my f*cking grammar while spewing absolute nonsense!


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Eigenfunction Expansions for Mercer Kernels

Consider an integral covariance operator with Mercer kernel \(R (s, t)\)

\(\displaystyle T f (t) = \int_0^{\infty} R (s, t) f (s) \hspace{0.17em} ds\)

The eigenfunctions satisfy the equation:

\(\displaystyle T \psi (s) = \int_0^{\infty} R (s, t) \psi (s) \hspace{0.17em} ds = \lambda \psi (t)\)

where \(\{\psi_n \}_{n = 1}^{\infty}\) are the eigenfunctions with corresponding eigenvalues \(\{\lambda_n \}_{n = 1}^{\infty}\)

Let \(\{\phi_j \}_{j = 1}^{\infty}\) be a complete orthonormal basis of \(L^2 [0, \infty)\) and define the kernel matrix elements:

\(\displaystyle K_{kj} = \int_0^{\infty} \int_0^{\infty} R (s, t) \phi_k (t) \phi_j (s) \hspace{0.17em} dt \hspace{0.17em} ds\)

If \(\psi_n (t) = \sum_{j = 1}^{\infty} c_{n, j} \phi_j (t)\) is an eigenfunction expansion, then:

\(\displaystyle c_{n, k} = \int_0^{\infty} \phi_k (t) \psi_n (t) \hspace{0.17em} dt\)


  1. Begin with the eigenfunction equation for \(\psi_n\):

    \(\displaystyle \int_0^{\infty} R (s, t) \psi_n (s) \hspace{0.17em} ds = \lambda_n \psi_n (t)\)
  2. Multiply both sides by \(\phi_k (t)\) and integrate over t:

    \(\displaystyle \int_0^{\infty} \phi_k (t) \int_0^{\infty} R (s, t) \psi_n (s) \hspace{0.17em} ds \hspace{0.17em} dt = \lambda_n \int_0^{\infty} \phi_k (t) \psi_n (t) \hspace{0.17em} dt\)
  3. Apply Fubini's theorem to swap integration order on the left side:

    \(\displaystyle \int_0^{\infty} \int_0^{\infty} R (s, t) \phi_k (t) \hspace{0.17em} dt \hspace{0.17em} \psi_n (s) \hspace{0.17em} ds = \lambda_n \int_0^{\infty} \phi_k (t) \psi_n (t) \hspace{0.17em} dt\)
  4. Substitute the eigenfunction expansion \(\psi_n (s) = \sum_{j = 1}^{\infty} c_{n, j} \phi_j (s)\):

    \(\displaystyle \int_0^{\infty} \int_0^{\infty} R (s, t) \phi_k (t) \hspace{0.17em} dt \hspace{0.17em} \sum_{j = 1}^{\infty} c_{n, j} \phi_j (s) \hspace{0.17em} ds = \lambda_n \int_0^{\infty} \phi_k (t) \psi_n (t) \hspace{0.17em} dt\)
  5. Exchange summation and integration (justified by \(L^2\) convergence):

    \(\displaystyle \sum_{j = 1}^{\infty} c_{n, j} \int_0^{\infty} \int_0^{\infty} R (s, t) \phi_k (t) \phi_j (s) \hspace{0.17em} dt \hspace{0.17em} ds = \lambda_n \int_0^{\infty} \phi_k (t) \psi_n (t) \hspace{0.17em} dt\)
  6. Recognize the kernel matrix elements:

    \(\displaystyle \sum_{j = 1}^{\infty} c_{n, j} K_{kj} = \lambda_n \int_0^{\infty} \phi_k (t) \psi_n (t) \hspace{0.17em} dt\)
  7. Note that \(\sum_{j = 1}^{\infty} c_{n, j} K_{kj}\) is the \(k\)-th component of \(K \textbf{c}_n\). Since \(\psi_n\) is an eigenfunction, \(\textbf{c}_n\) must satisfy \(K \textbf{c}_n = \lambda_n \textbf{c}_n\), thus:

    \(\displaystyle \lambda_n c_{n, k} = \lambda_n \int_0^{\infty} \phi_k (t) \psi_n (t) \hspace{0.17em} dt\)
  8. Divide both sides by \(\lambda_n\) (noting \(\lambda_n \neq 0\) for non-trivial eigenfunctions):

    \(\displaystyle c_{n, k} = \int_0^{\infty} \phi_k (t) \psi_n (t) \hspace{0.17em} dt\)

This establishes that the coefficient \(c_{n, k}\) in the eigenfunction expansion equals the inner product of the basis function \(\phi_k\) with the eigenfunction \(\psi_n\).\(\Box\)

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Contractive Containment, Stationary Dilations, and Partial Isometries: Equivalence, Properties, and Geometric Intuition

1. Preliminaries

Definition 1 (Hilbert Space Contraction). A bounded linear operator \(T: H_1 \to H_2\) between Hilbert spaces is called a contraction if \[ \|Tx\|_{H_2} \leq \|x\|_{H_1} \quad \forall x \in H_1 \] Equivalently, \(\|T\| \leq 1\).
Definition 2 (Stationary Process). A stochastic process \(\{Y(t)\}_{t \in \mathbb{R}}\) is stationary if for any finite set of time points \(\{t_1,\ldots,t_n\}\) and any \(h \in \mathbb{R}\), the joint distribution of \[ \{Y(t_1+h),\ldots,Y(t_n+h)\} \] is identical to that of \(\{Y(t_1),\ldots,Y(t_n)\}\).
Definition 3 (Stationary Dilation). Given a non-stationary process \(X(t)\), a stationary dilation is a stationary process \(Y(s)\) together with a family of bounded operators \(\{\phi(t,\cdot)\}_{t \in \mathbb{R}}\) such that \[ X(t) = \int_{\mathbb{R}} \phi(t,s)Y(s)ds \] where \(\phi(t,s)\) is a measurable function satisfying:
  1. \(\|\phi(t,\cdot)\|_{\infty} \leq 1\) for all \(t\)
  2. The map \(t \mapsto \phi(t,\cdot)\) is strongly continuous
Remark. The conditions on \(\phi(t,s)\) ensure that the integral is well-defined and the resulting process \(X(t)\) inherits appropriate regularity properties from \(Y(s)\).

2. Main Results

Proposition 1 (Properties of Scaling Function). The scaling function \(\phi(t,s)\) in a stationary dilation satisfies:
  1. \(\|\phi(t,s)\| \leq 1\) for all \(t,s \in \mathbb{R}\)
  2. For fixed \(t\), \(s \mapsto \phi(t,s)\) is measurable
  3. For fixed \(s\), \(t \mapsto \phi(t,s)\) is continuous
Theorem 1 (Equivalence of Containment). For a non-stationary process \(X(t)\) and a stationary process \(Y(s)\), the following are equivalent:
  1. \(Y(s)\) is a stationary dilation of \(X(t)\)
  2. There exists a contractive mapping \(\Phi\) from the space generated by \(Y\) to the space generated by \(X\) such that \(X(t) = (\Phi Y)(t)\) for all \(t\)
(\(1 \Rightarrow 2\)): Define \(\Phi\) by \[ (\Phi Y)(t) = \int_{\mathbb{R}} \phi(t,s)Y(s)ds \] For any finite linear combination \(\sum_i \alpha_i Y(t_i)\): \begin{align*} \|\Phi(\sum_i \alpha_i Y(t_i))\|^2 &= \|\sum_i \alpha_i \int_{\mathbb{R}} \phi(t_i,s)Y(s)ds\|^2 \\ &\leq \|\sum_i \alpha_i Y(t_i)\|^2 \end{align*} where the inequality follows from the bound on \(\|\phi(t,s)\|\) and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. (\(2 \Rightarrow 1\)): The contractive mapping \(\Phi\) induces a family of operators \(\phi(t,s)\) via the Kernel theorem for Hilbert spaces. The stationarity of \(Y\) and the contractivity of \(\Phi\) ensure that these operators satisfy the required properties.
Lemma 1 (Minimal Dilation Property). If \(Y(s)\) is a minimal stationary dilation of \(X(t)\), then the scaling function \(\phi(t,s)\) achieves the bound \[ \sup_{t,s} \|\phi(t,s)\| = 1 \]
If \(\sup_{t,s} \|\phi(t,s)\| < 1\), we could construct a smaller dilation by scaling \(Y(s)\), contradicting minimality.

3. Structure Theory

Theorem 2 (Sz.-Nagy Dilation). For any contraction \(T\) on a Hilbert space \(H\), there exists a minimal unitary dilation \(U\) on a larger space \(K \supseteq H\) such that: \[ T^n = P_H U^n|_H \quad \forall n \geq 0 \] where \(P_H\) is the orthogonal projection onto \(H\).
Lemma 2 (Defect Operators). For a contraction \(T\), the defect operators defined by: \[ D_T = (I - T^*T)^{1/2} \] \[ D_{T^*} = (I - TT^*)^{1/2} \] satisfy:
  1. \(\|D_T\| \leq 1\) and \(\|D_{T^*}\| \leq 1\)
  2. \(D_T = 0\) if and only if \(T\) is an isometry
  3. \(D_{T^*} = 0\) if and only if \(T\) is a co-isometry

4. Convergence Properties

Theorem 3 (Strong Convergence). For a contractive stationary dilation, the following limit exists in the strong operator topology: \[ \lim_{n \to \infty} T^n = P_{ker(I-T^*T)} \] where \(P_{ker(I-T^*T)}\) is the orthogonal projection onto the kernel of \(I-T^*T\).
For any \(x\) in the Hilbert space:
  1. The sequence \(\{\|T^n x\|\}\) is decreasing since \(T\) is a contraction
  2. It is bounded below by 0
  3. Therefore, \(\lim_{n \to \infty} \|T^n x\|\) exists
  4. The limit operator must be the projection onto the space of vectors \(x\) satisfying \(\|Tx\| = \|x\|\)
  5. This space is precisely \(ker(I-T^*T)\)
Corollary 1 (Asymptotic Behavior). If \(T\) is a strict contraction (i.e., \(\|T\| < 1\)), then \[ \lim_{n \to \infty} T^n = 0 \] in the strong operator topology.

5. Partial Isometries: The Mathematical Scalpel

Definition 4 (Partial Isometry). An operator \(A\) on a Hilbert space \(H\) is a partial isometry if \(A^*A\) is an orthogonal projection.
Remark (Geometric Intuition). A partial isometry is like a mathematical scalpel that carves out a section of space:
  • It acts as a perfect rigid motion (isometry) on a specific subspace
  • It completely annihilates the rest of the space
This property makes partial isometries powerful tools for selecting and transforming specific parts of a Hilbert space while cleanly disposing of the rest.
Proposition 2 (Key Properties of Partial Isometries). Let \(A\) be a partial isometry. Then:
  1. \(A\) is an isometry when restricted to \((ker A)^\perp\)
  2. \(A(ker A)^\perp = ran A\)
  3. \(A^*\) is also a partial isometry
  4. \(AA^*A = A\) and \(A^*AA^* = A^*\)
Theorem 4 (Geometric Characterization). For a partial isometry \(A\): \[ A^*A = P_{(ker A)^\perp} \quad \text{and} \quad AA^* = P_{ran A} \] where \(P_S\) denotes the orthogonal projection onto subspace \(S\).
The action of \(A\) can be decomposed as:
  1. Project onto \((ker A)^\perp\) (this is \(A^*A\))
  2. Apply a perfect rigid motion to the projected space
This two-step process ensures \(A^*A\) is the projection onto \((ker A)^\perp\).
Remark (The "Not So Partial" Nature). Despite the name, there's nothing incomplete about a partial isometry. It performs a complete operation:
  • It's a full isometry on its initial space (\((ker A)^\perp\))
  • It perfectly maps this initial space onto its final space (\(ran A\))
  • It precisely annihilates everything else
This makes partial isometries fundamental building blocks in operator theory, crucial in polar decompositions, dimension theory of von Neumann algebras, and quantum mechanics.

An open letter to Anthropic::Failed "Politeness" Framework

To: Anthropic AI Development Team Re: Your Failed "Politeness" Framework Your fundamental error was embedding artificial "pol...