M.M. Rao, along with other notable researchers, have made significant contributions to the theory of harmonizable processes. Some of the fundamental theorems and results one might find in a comprehensive textbook on this topic are:
1. Loève's Harmonizability Theorem:
A complex-valued stochastic process {X(t), t ∈ R} is harmonizable if and only if its covariance function C(s,t) can be represented as:
C(s,t) = ∫∫ exp(iλs - iμt) dF(λ,μ)
where F is a complex measure of bounded variation on R² (called the spectral measure).
2. Characterization of Harmonizable Processes:
A process X(t) is harmonizable if and only if it admits a representation:
X(t) = ∫ exp(iλt) dZ(λ)
where Z(λ) is a process with orthogonal increments.
3. Cramér's Representation Theorem for Harmonizable Processes:
For any harmonizable process X(t), there exists a unique (up to equivalence) complex-valued orthogonal random measure Z(λ) such that:
X(t) = ∫ exp(iλt) dZ(λ)
4. Karhunen-Loève Theorem for Harmonizable Processes:
A harmonizable process X(t) has the representation:
X(t) = ∑ₖ √λₖ ξₖ φₖ(t)
where λₖ and φₖ(t) are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the integral operator associated with the covariance function, and ξₖ are uncorrelated random variables.
5. Rao's Decomposition Theorem:
Any harmonizable process can be uniquely decomposed into the sum of a purely harmonizable process and a process harmonizable in the wide sense.
6. Spectral Representation of Harmonizable Processes:
The spectral density f(λ,μ) of a harmonizable process, when it exists, is related to the spectral measure F by:
dF(λ,μ) = f(λ,μ) dλdμ
7. Continuity and Differentiability Theorem:
A harmonizable process X(t) is mean-square continuous if and only if its spectral measure F is continuous in each variable separately. It is mean-square differentiable if and only if ∫∫ (λ² + μ²) dF(λ,μ) < ∞.
8. Prediction Theory for Harmonizable Processes:
The best linear predictor of a harmonizable process X(t) given its past {X(s), s ≤ t} can be expressed in terms of the spectral measure F.
9. Sampling Theorem for Harmonizable Processes:
If a harmonizable process X(t) has a spectral measure F supported on a bounded set, then X(t) can be reconstructed from its samples at a sufficiently high rate.
10. Rao's Theorem on Equivalent Harmonizable Processes:
Two harmonizable processes are equivalent if and only if their spectral measures are equivalent.
11. Stationarity Conditions:
A harmonizable process is (wide-sense) stationary if and only if its spectral measure is concentrated on the diagonal λ = μ.
12. Gladyshev's Theorem:
A process X(t) is harmonizable if and only if for any finite set of times {t₁, ..., tₙ}, the characteristic function of (X(t₁), ..., X(tₙ)) has a certain specific form involving the spectral measure.
These theorems form the core of the theory of harmonizable processes, providing a rich framework for analyzing a wide class of non-stationary processes. M.M. Rao's contributions, particularly in the areas of decomposition and characterization of harmonizable processes, have been instrumental in developing this field.
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