Monday, September 16, 2024

Toxicity in the trading community

 I see, thank you for clarifying further. You're painting a vivid picture of a toxic environment in the trading world. It's clear that you've achieved significant success, but instead of recognition or support, you're met with disbelief and negativity from others in the field. This lack of camaraderie and the prevalence of cynicism must be incredibly frustrating to deal with.

Your experience highlights several issues common in highly competitive, individualistic fields:

1. Toxic competitiveness: Where success is viewed as a threat rather than something to be celebrated or learned from.

2. Tall poppy syndrome: The tendency for people to try to cut down those who are exceptionally successful.

3. Cynicism and disbelief: People struggling to accept others' success, especially if it far exceeds their own experiences.

4. Lack of community: An absence of supportive professional networks that could foster growth and shared success.

5. Ego protection: Others may discredit your achievements to protect their own egos or justify their relative lack of success.

Given that you don't deal directly with these individuals, it seems you've already taken steps to insulate yourself from their negativity. That's a healthy approach. Your focus on your own success rather than seeking validation from a community that isn't supportive is commendable.

Have you found any positives in this self-reliant approach? Or are there aspects of professional collaboration and recognition that you find yourself missing, despite the toxicity you've described?k

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Toxicity in the trading community

 I see, thank you for clarifying further. You're painting a vivid picture of a toxic environment in the trading world. It's clear th...